Why is sleep so good for the brain?
360° VR animation -
A virtual view of psoriasis
360° VR animation -
Interactive heart installation
Interactive -
AR for autotransfusion system
Augmented Reality -
Medical device & AR technology
Augmented Reality -
hybrid 360° reel
360° VR animation -
VR experience for psoriatic arthritis
Virtual Reality -
360° VR animation | Neural activity
360° VR animation -
360° VR animation | Inside the GI tract
360° VR animation -
Science of G | Heart & Blood
Interactive -
View from trade show VR experience
Virtual Reality -
PAH Toolkit App
Interactive -
What’s In Your Blood?
Interactive -
360° VR animation | Inside the heart
360° VR animation -
Acid-producing parietal cells
Interactive -
Science of G | Bicep
Interactive -
Powers of Ten
Interactive -
DNA installation art